You know there's a problem,
but you're not sure
how to solve it
How do we create harmony?
The principles of Organisational Harmony are simple – values drive behaviour.
We measure the current values using 2 surveys,
Team Harmony Survey
Personal Harmony Survey
The results of the survey take us to the heart of the issue within the organisation. This is direct, and gives people permission to talk about the issues that really matter. By engaging teams in this way, with values as the core, each team member feels valued and accepts the responsibility to participate and define positive practices for themselves and for the organisation. This creates harmony.
Organisational Harmony helps create environments where freedom of expression is the norm, people feel safe to be honest and share a diversity of views, people have accountability and equality.
Individuals will see the organisation as part of their world and society at large - rather than just a workplace. People will gain a feeling of freedom, will want to produce more, take on more responsibility and leadership roles.
Our Philosophy
Few people are personally fulfilled by going to work. For some it’s the work itself which causes this, for most, it is the work environment.
Outside of work people naturally seek to find happiness, fulfilment and love. If they don't experience enough of these at work, eventually, people become demotivated, disengaged and less productive. Even when this is recognised in organisations, people often don’t know what to do about it.
Policies and procedures rarely accommodate individuals’ need for growth happiness, fulfilment and love. Over time organisations have not incorporated these needs, without assessing the impact to
their performance. Therefore, there is a need for the culture to be reset. This is the role of
organisational harmony.
The removal of discord and the introduction of positive practices is what leads to organisational harmony. Organisational harmony enables people to feel an important contributor to the
organisation and will see the organisation as a part of their world and society at large.
So let's get started and see where your team is at right now